Queen for more than a day!

The Queen

I have named you queen.
There are taller ones than you, taller.
There are purer ones than you, purer.
There are lovelier than you, lovelier.

But you are the queen.

When you go through the streets
no one recognizes you.
No one sees your crystal crown, no one looks
at the carpet of red gold
that you tread as you pass,
the nonexistent carpet.

And when you appear
all the rivers sound
in my body, bells
shake the sky,
and a hymn fills the world.

Only you and I,
only you and I, my love,
listen to it.

~ Pablo Neruda

I’m a lucky girl. My husband treats me like a queen, which allows him to feel even more like a King. It’s why I married him. He thinks he is King of the World and I so admire the amount of self-love it takes to feel this way. His confidence and admiration of himself is so big and beautiful. Sometimes it’s cocky, but that just cracks me up. Most of the time he just knows how important and brave and worthwhile he is.

He has taught me a lot. I have regular episodes of not enoughness. He will catch me trying to do too much to prove I am worthwhile and gently ask me to slow down, to breathe deep, to have a cup of tea and sit. Just sit. I feel like he is asking me to just sit on my imaginary throne and be me, just me. No trying to be anything more.

On my morning walks with the dog, if I can’t find anything new and interesting to photograph, I wander over to the queen anne’s lace. It blooms profusely June, July, and August. There are even a few lingering in my yard today. Every time I look at this lovely lacey flower, I remember that I have an invisible crystal crown and know I am a queen. Well sometimes I feel more like a princess, but on really good days I AM A QUEEN.


I had fun searching for links this week to attach. I decided Freddie Mercury would be appropriate so here is one of my favorite Queen songs. And if you want to crack up laughing, check out this muppet homage to the Bohemian Rhapsody. But if you only have time to watch one Queen video, I recommend this one Queen + Luciano Pavarotti.

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  1. #1 by charlesmashburn on September 5, 2011 - 4:04 pm

    What a beautiful poem, story, and photos! I love them all! Thank you for sharing them!

    My entry: http://charleslmashburn.wordpress.com/2011/09/04/blood-on-the-moon-2/

  2. #2 by Ann LeFlore on September 5, 2011 - 4:14 pm

    Everyone wants to be queen for a day. Happy gooseberry days

  3. #3 by Shea on September 5, 2011 - 4:20 pm

    I love how you are loved by Zoro. It helps me remember the best of Jon and how he encourages the same in me, to slow down. Maxine did a photo project with Queen’s Anne Lace this summer. I will find and send pics.

  4. #4 by Pieces of Sunshine on September 5, 2011 - 5:03 pm

    Beautiful thoughts and photos. Thank you. I’ll have to think more on my princess/queen crown.

  5. #5 by Life: Between the lines on September 5, 2011 - 8:07 pm

    I love love and the celebration of love. Thank you for allowing me to bask in yours for each other 🙂

    Happy gooseberry day!!!

  6. #6 by A.B. Thomas on September 5, 2011 - 8:34 pm

    Fantastic write and awesome pics!

  7. #7 by California Ink in Motion on September 5, 2011 - 9:43 pm

    You are lucky to have a man like that. Loved the poem and the beautiful photos. You are a Queen! (would like to rent your husband for a day!).

  8. #8 by pattisj on September 5, 2011 - 9:57 pm

    Your lens brings out the beauty of what we so often pass as “ordinary.”

  9. #9 by ladyfi on September 6, 2011 - 12:07 am

    You’re a lucky girl! And these shots of the Queen Anne’s lace are superb. You rule with the camera!

  10. #10 by Marcie on September 6, 2011 - 7:59 am

    How beautiful!! And – you are a truly lucky woman to be treated with such grace and honor!

  11. #11 by countingducks on September 6, 2011 - 8:15 am

    It is nice to get a glimpse of the happy life you share behind the photographs. He is lucky to have a Queen like you, and I’m sure he knows it

  12. #12 by didex on September 6, 2011 - 11:28 am

    What a great pictures… lovely flowers… Have a great day… \(^_-)>

  13. #13 by elk on September 6, 2011 - 11:09 pm

    oh swoon ..the queen annes lace is so stunning ~ wow you got some really fantastic photos ..love how you weave your stories ..happy king and queen is a GOOD thing!!

  14. #14 by Betty Manousos on September 7, 2011 - 7:14 am

    oh my ! both writing and photos are breathtakingly beautiful!

    i’m in awe of your writing and photography skills.

    you’re SO talented!

    have agreat day from start to finish!

  15. #15 by EG Wow, Canada on September 8, 2011 - 12:54 am

    You have found a great man! He sounds wonderful. And I very much like your photos of the Queen Anne’s lace.

  16. #16 by Jennifer Valentine on September 10, 2011 - 10:41 pm

    OH MY! How I adore Queen Anne’s lace…and these photos are so very captivating…it is my most favorite part of the season, and so sad to see them leaving me now that fall approaches!
    I have never seen such beautiful images of my favorite “flower”…
    thank you…

  17. #17 by lisa on September 11, 2011 - 3:40 pm

    What a beautiful post this is Christine, and what a great hubby you have!!
    These photographs are just gorgeous, and so perfect for this post.
    Hope you have had a wonderful Sunday!

  18. #18 by jeanie on September 14, 2011 - 9:16 pm

    You do realize they broke the mold when they made him, don’t you? Your photographs are always poetic but this line is a gem and one I’ll hold in my heart:
    “I’m a lucky girl. My husband treats me like a queen, which allows him to feel even more like a King.”


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